Kneadery is a conceptual bakery brand that focuses on creating fresh bread and pasta daily and sourcing ingredients locally.

This project focused not only on branding but also on creating the space in which it lives.

kneadery identity marks

Final chosen identity marks

These marks were the final chosen ones that represented the brand the best. The wordmark is the primary logo. The croissant mark is a secondary logo that is used in more decorative ways.

This project aimed to express what the final brand identity would look like within an environmental context. This includes the interior and exterior of the establishment as well as traveling aspects like a food truck.

Social Media Presence

Social Media and Digital Formats

social media advertising | video design

Branding goes beyond the building itself- social media and marketing are just as important. This video represents the personality of the brand through their social media presence.

Physical brand Format

These are some items that are unique to the brand’s products. This focuses on the packaging aspects of the brand.